Birthday Bento

Raise you hand if as a new mom you get any me time. Yeah, me either.

Honestly, I’m more at fault for this than Ella. How could I want choose time alone over this cutie pie?

But I do love the bits and pieces when I can get’em. My bus ride to work, transports me like a Calgon commercial, tuning out the world and zeroing in on the HOPO. Every weekend or so I hightail it out of the house solo for an hour and darned if I don’t end up at a grocery store. It doesn’t matter which one. Just someplace for me to stroll up and down the aisles, picking up products and reading labels.

Saturday afternoon I found myself ogling bento boxes in the housewears section at Uwajimaya in Beverton. $26 bucks? Why not? My birthday was just 2 days later. Seriously, what else does a grown woman need to spend her hard earned cash on besides a lunch box from Japan. Seriously.

Top box: tamagoyaki, goma dressing, carrots, setamed spinach
Bottom box: miso glazed salmon, french breakfast radishes, japanese pickles- shubu zuke and one more whose name escapes me.

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